Senatore Cappelli Pasta

Ancient stone-milled wheat pasta, certified by the Association of Ancient Grains.

Chelucci's Cappelli Semolina Pasta: Ancient Wheat without GMOs.

Chelucci's Cappelli semolina pasta is crafted from the processing of ancient Cappelli wheat semolina, carefully selected by the Association of Ancient Grains. The wheat is transformed into semolina and then processed within the pasta factory using only traditional methods. This phase is marked by an extremely slow drying process, aimed at preserving the unaltered superior quality of the raw material.

The exceptional nutritional qualities of Chelucci's Cappelli Semolina Pasta

This specialty boasts extraordinary nutritional qualities: the wheat is unmodified, hence free from GMO components, and the gluten it contains is of high quality. All of this contributes to the product having excellent nutritional properties and a high degree of digestibility.

Ancient Cappelli wheat exhibits a unique protein content and organoleptic properties. Pastificio Chelucci produces various formats of this type of pasta: penne rigate, fusilli, stracci, strigoli, and trenette.

Penne Rigate | Semolato Senatore Cappelli | Pasta Chelucci Penne Rigate | Semolato Senatore Cappelli | Pasta Chelucci
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Senatore Box | Semolato Senatore Cappelli | Pasta Chelucci Trenette | Semolato Senatore Cappelli | Pasta Chelucci
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Senatore Cappelli Box - 2,5 KG
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Fusilli | Semolato Senatore Cappelli | Pasta Chelucci Fusilli | Semolato Senatore Cappelli | Pasta Chelucci
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Trenette | Semolato Senatore Cappelli | Pasta Chelucci Stracci | Semolato Senatore Cappelli | Pasta Chelucci
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Stracci | Semolato Senatore Cappelli | Pasta Chelucci Stracci | Semolato Senatore Cappelli | Pasta Chelucci
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Strigoli | Semolato Senatore Cappelli | Pasta Chelucci Strigoli | Semolato Senatore Cappelli | Pasta Chelucci
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